We are an international publishing house which branches in Spain, Colombia and the United States. We provide bilingual editions of books of poetry.  Authors such as Maya Angelou, Charles Simic, Natasha Trethewey, Donald Hall, Carolyn Forché, Yusef Komunyakaa, Philip Levine, Billy Collins, Rita Dove, Mary Oliver, Jericho Brown, Kevin Young and the Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott have been translated into Spanish to our readers in the Spanish speaking world. 

Valparaíso Poetry Press will gladly accept full-length poetry book manuscripts. We are specifically looking for poetry book manuscripts, written originally in Spanish, to be published in Spain, Mexico and Colombia. 

Submissions guidelines:

  • Submissions are invited exclusively through Submittable, our online submissions manager. 
  • We accept book-length poetry manuscripts only. No fiction or prose nonfiction will be accepted.
  • Illustrations are discouraged.
  • Please include a one-paragraph biographical note and contact information in your cover letter.
  • Make certain your submission is your best draft. Corrections and revisions will not be accepted.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted. If your manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please officially withdraw it using the Submittable system.
  • This is NOT a contest.